
原标题:Aedas新作 | 蔚来全球首家用户中心


秉承着NIO蔚来“Blue Sky Coming”的品牌内涵,Aedas全球设计董事温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen)、执行董事刘燕带领团队,设计了蔚来东方广场用户中心NIO House作为创新品牌——“NIO蔚来"的全球范围内首家用户中心,Aedas将蔚来的全新品牌设想、创新的定位、规划的销售体验场景,从品牌策划的蓝图全面落实到首家用户中心建。


成,以由外到内的整体建筑店面及室内环境设计,完美地为蔚来品牌登陆打响了全球第一响 electricvehicle product. This is the first NIO user center worldwide, NIO House, located in the Ori。


ental Plaza of Beijing. Aedas apply the NIO branding strategy to create the first NIO House building and space, presenting to the world first time with big success.


极简的店面形象The clean and strong shop front用户中心位于长安街最佳转角位置,建筑立面设计采用现代科技感金属材料及通透极致的玻璃,用极简的手法打造店面形象,结合蔚来标识寓意,创造天际线空间,与蔚来品牌形象紧密结合并突显室内丰富的空间及产品内容


The NIO House located on the best corner of the building on Dong Changan street. The facade design rface and clear glass.


品牌朝圣隧道A NIO lifestye journey tunnel一层的室内设计了别致的用户体验流线经由品牌朝圣隧道进入中央圆形展区,吸引顾客进入、发现并体验蔚来的产品及文化整体的流线型动感流畅空间藉由蓝色楼梯螺旋上升进入二层VIP会员体验区。

8.AE 2018



The L1 interior design concept is to design a NIO lifestyle journey tunnelto the central car exhibition dome, which


is a pilgrim road to the productchurch for the main entrance form the mall. The central round exhibit

space is designed to be dominated by a donut shape, reflecting thelighting on ceiling and white floor pavement, which is

also an echo of NIOLogo. The spiral staircase is designed to guide the VIP users upstairs. L2 is desi

ith "building blocks concept".

螺旋上升的蓝色楼梯The spiral staircase

用户咖啡休息区Coffee pantry

儿童体验区位置:中国北京设计及项目建筑师:Aedas业主:上海蔚来汽车有限公司建筑面积:3,169平方米竣工年份:2017年主要设计人:温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen),全球设计董事;刘燕,执行董事

Location: Beijing, ChinaProject & Design Architect: AedasClient: Shanghai Nextev Co.,Ltd.Gross Floor Area:

3,169 sq m Design Directors:Dr. Andy Wen, Global Designer Principal ; Nicole Liu, Executive Director