
今天我们为大家准备了几个可以引导对比关系的句型与关键词,大家可以尝试用它们写几组对比关系Contrast对比In contrast paragraphs, significant differences between two people, things, ideas or places are discussed. Even though there may be similarities between the two, they are usually mentioned only briefly or left out altogether.

对比,就是将具有明显差异的人、事、物、地点和对立的一方放在一起进行对照比较尽管进行比较的两者之间或许存在着相同之处,但是为了凸显对比,通常只会简单带过相同之处或者是完全不提Topic sentence: It is true that cats and dogs are both animals that are furry and have four legs, but they are very different types of pets.。

Several sentence patterns express contrast:引导对比关系的句型和关键词:01比较级Structures using –er…than; more…than; less…than; as…as :

Cats are quieter than dogs.Dogs are more faithful than cats.Cats are less noisy than dogs.Dogs aren’t

as quiet as cats.Cats aren’t as noisy as dogs.02状语从句Adverb Clauses :While cats stay independent, dogs are loyal to their owners.

Whereas dogs are loyal to their owners, cats stay independent.Dogs are loyal to their owners, whereas (or while) cats stay independent.

03衔接词Connectors :Dogs are loyal to their owners; however, cats stay independent.也可以用 in contrast 或者 on the other hand。

04介词Prepositions:Unlike dogs, which are loyal to their owners, cats stay independent.Contraryto dogs, which are loyal to their masters, cats stay independent.

05连词Conjunctions:Dogs are loyal to their owners, but cats stay independent.Your Turn 练习A.Use the structures from No. 1 to write contrast sentences for the information below. You may add your own details.

Tom is outgoing and friendly. Sam is quiet and reserved.1. __________________________________.2. __________________________________.

3. __________________________________.B.Use the structures from No. 2 to write contrast sentences for the information below. You may add your own details.

Tom is stylish in appearance. Sam is conservative in appearance.4. __________________________________.

5. __________________________________.C. U add your own details.

Tom and Sam are both teachers. Tom is in his mid-20s and not a very experienced teacher. Sam is in his late 30s and has taught for 10 years.

6. __________________________________.7. __________________________________.8. __________________________________.